With his new film Madres Paralelas, the Spanish master director Pedro Almodóvar presents another fascinating look at motherhood.
When two mothers, Janis (Penelope Cruz, Pain and Glory and Murder on the Orient Express) and Ana (Milena Smit), give birth on the same day, a close link develops between the two of them. Janis, middle-aged, doesn’t regret it and is exultant. The other, Ana, an adolescent, is scared, repentant and traumatised. Janis tries to encourage her while they move through the hospital corridors. The few words they exchange in those hours becomes the foundation of a complex relationship that will change their lives.
- Land Spain
- Jaar 2021
- Duur 120 min
- Taal spoken language: Spanish, English subtitels
- Regie Pedro Almodóvar
- Acteurs Penélope Cruz, Rossy de Palma, Milena Smit, Aitana Sánchez-Gijón
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